Internet Dating Tips For Men

Internet Dating Tips For Men - Social Natural

A lot of guys take for granted the power and convenience of internet dating sites, yet they are doing it all wrong.

They would waste time sending countless messages hoping any woman would go on a date with them, like desperate pigeons scrambling for the last piece of breads, and just think putting up a nice picture and talking about themselves blah blah blah are enough to make an attractive, lasting-impression when girls visit their profile page. Not so!

End result?

Hundreds of messages sent and getting-little to no-response. Bummer.

What’s a man got to do?

Make yourself more attractive online by following these internet dating tips for men.

If you do just one of these adjustments, your internet dating profile will convey a much more attractive identity giving women “a stronger initial impression” of that man they’re looking for.

Tip#1 – Choose the Perfect Profile Pic

Now there is no need to hired a professional photographer to make you all model-like. Just spend some time choosing your perfect photo from the dozens of pictures I’m sure you already have.

Don’t just based it off of your opinions. Go to Facebook, upload a bunch of them and see which one gets the most likes.

Tip#2 – Get a Style Makeover

Since we talked about choosing your profile pic, you might as well make sure you look your best in them. Get some cool shirts, fitted jeans, nice shoes, and some noticeable accessories.

As a general thumb, keep it basic color matching in your outfits and never wear anything you’re uncomfortable in, but while at the same time, stay away from dressing generic and always wear something that attracts attention. Pick up the latest edition GQ or VMAN for ideas.

While you’re at it, get an awesome looking haircut. This will make a world of difference in your internet dating profile pics and the easiest thing to change.

Tip#3 Write a Stellar Profile Description

No, I’m not talking about writing all your greatest achievements or about the car you drive. Girls won’t care about that…yet. You need to write a few punchy-sentences about who you really are, what you believe in, keeping in mind its relevance to the type of girls you’re interested in attracting.

Make sure to keep things short and funny.

For instance, instead of saying that you hit the gym 5-times a week, how about stating that you have a passion for body sculpting and that you’ve always viewed yourself as a strong man, both on the inside and outside.

Tip#4 – Add Photos of Yourself in Different Social Situations

Should be obvious how photos are a big part of internet dating, but don’t be limited to just close-up photos of yourself. You need to show you have a life.

Add photos of you in various places: from your last vacation, from when you were at a club, to a barbecue or a party, etc.

Make sure you only select photos in which you look your best and, if possible, do them only after some style makeover.

Tip#5 – Add at least One Photo of You in a Suit

You might think that a photo in a suit has no relevance. Well, it’s the exact opposite. The suit is one of the most formal garments you can wear and it tells so much about a man I don’t even know where to begin. Suffice to say that you’ll score big points as far as trust is concerned.

A lot of times a girl will browse your photos and think, “Wow, this guy has does a lot of partying, does he have time for a job? Does he have a future?”

The suit portrays this other side of you.

Tip#6 – Always be in the Center of Most Photos

This is not something most men think about…but women are more inclined to be attracted to the guy who’s at the center of his group. This guy is usually the leader, the one who has all the power.

I’m sure you can find at least a few photos where you happen to be in the middle. Put those in a more visible place and, as always, make sure you look awesome in each of them.

Tip#7 – Give Spot-on Comments

Remember that everyone’s profile and photos comments are public so make sure they convey you in an attractive way. Take time to consider what you write there, just like in your bio section. These comments are there to stay and will be seen by each and every girl who wants to check you out – don’t take them for granted.

All right that’s a wrap!

Those are only just the basics internet dating tips. Depending on who you are and the type of girl you’re looking for, start with these and work around them to best tailor suit you.

Good luck!

The Lifestyle God
LG’s Blog

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2 Responses to Internet Dating Tips For Men

  1. Jimmie Garwin says:

    To be completely honest, I don’t really believe that seduction methods possibly be working effective. I mean – what kind of woman genuinely falls for these tricks ? Really does any real women fall for these professional techniques any longer? I mean most women really doubt it. The “pick-up” online community conceivably was “pick-up” followers may have been significantly prosperous 8 months back. But the “secret” strategies are public now.However everyone understands the ideas these days.Yet even most women know the secrets and techniques. The mainstream media have figured it out. Currently with a great number of seduction series, it’s just about impossible to fly under the radar the girls totally unaware.This is the issue when you are getting too successful. Huff post has a commentary about this.Read through this Hufington Post story on the dwindling successes of common seduction systems…Don’t Fall for the Game

  2. emorddez says:

    A pretty basic common sense list but still good.

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